Monday, November 17, 2014

 Kindergarten Newsletter
Letter of the Week: Bb
Sight Word of the Week: can, not
Prayer of the Month: Act of Contrition

We had a great turn out for the Thanksgiving Program last week. Thank you everyone for bringing your children. We hope you enjoyed the performances and food.

Operation Christmas Child:
A few children have brought in various items. If you would like to contribute please bring your items in tomorrow morning.  We will be filling shoeboxes tomorrow afternoon.  Thanks again for helping.

Field Trip:  We will be attending the Nutcracker Ballet at Buhach Colony High School on December 4th.  Permission slips are due this Friday.  Drivers are needed.

Classroom Helpers:
If you are interested in helping out in the classroom 9am-10am Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays, just let me know and we can arrange a day for you to come join the fun!

Dates to Remember:
11/18 Thanksgiving Feast with First Grade
11/21-25 Thanksgiving Vacation
11/23 School Mass 5pm at St. Patrick’s Church
12/4 Field Trip –  The Nutcracker Ballet at Buhach Colony High

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

11-12-14 newsletter

Kindergarten Newsletter
Letter of the Week: Bb
Sight Word of the Week: who, for
Prayer of the Month: Act of Contrition

Thanksgiving Program:
We are in the Thanksgiving Program tomorrow night Thursday November 13, 2014. We have been practicing our performance and the children are eager to get up on stage.  We will meet in our classroom at 6:15 pm.  The program starts at 6:30 pm.  Children are to wear something nice.  Church clothes are fine. See you there!

We are making a Native American costume. Please bring in an adult sized white t-shirt. One of Dad's old ones is perfect! Turn in ASAP.

Classroom Helpers:
If you are interested in helping out in the classroom (9-10), just let me know and we can arrange a day for you to come join the fun!

Operation Christmas:
As we give thanks for the blessings in our lives let us not forget those in need. Each year the classes at OLM gather various supplies and create shoe boxes filled with necessities and small toys for the poor in third world countries. I will be sending home a flyer of things that your child can bring to contribute to our Operation Christmas shoebox. Due:  Monday November 17th

Dates To Remember:
11/18 Thanksgiving Feast with First Grade
11/21 Thanksgiving Prayer Service
11/21-25 Thanksgiving Vacation
12/4 Field Trip – The Nutcracker Suite at Buhach Colony High

Monday, November 03, 2014

11-3-14 newsletter

Kindergarten Newsletter

Letter of the Week: Ll
Sight Word: look we
Prayer of the Month: Act of Contrition

Please continue to practice recognizing and writing: sight words, ABC's, & # 1-30. We will continue working on these skills in class. In addition we will continue practicing our phonics skills, identifying beginning sounds, blending/segmenting and rhyming.

Free Dress:  We won the Box Top competition in October!  We have earned a free dress tomorrow!  Thank you for your support.

Dress Code: Don't forget the fall/winter dress code means no more shorts. Also, the only sweatshirts that may be worn on campus are the OLM sweatshirts. Jackets may be any color but can only be worn during recess. Please refer to the handbook if you have any questions.

Hair: Boys--hair must be above the ears, eyebrows and collar. Girls--only Black, brown, white or OLM hair clips (etc) may be worn ( no pink, purple, aqua, etc., hair ties, clips or rubber bands).

Thanksgiving Snack: It is tradition here at OLM for the kindergarten (Native Americans) to share a Thanksgiving snack for the first graders (Pilgrims). We will have a small Thanksgiving snack with Mrs. M’s first grade class 11/18/14. I am asking each child to bring an adult sized white t-shirt (due Thursday) to make our costumes.

Dates to Remember:

11/5                           Spirit Free Dress- Wear an OLM Shirt and pants/skirt.
11/6               Veteran’s Day Program at 8:30.  All are welcome.
11/10 &11     No School
11/7                           Mass, Early Dismissal & 2 pkgs. of gravy mix due,
11/13                         Fall Program
11/18                         Thanksgiving Feast with First Grade
11/24-28       Thanksgiving Vacation